Intraoperative Care

Intraoperative Care – Core Learning Outcomes

* The ability to maintain anaesthesia for elective and emergency surgery
* The ability to use anaesthesia monitoring systems to guide the progress of the patient and ensure safety
* Considers the effects that co-existing disease and planned surgery may have on the progress of anaesthesia and plans for the management of significant coexistingdiseases
* Recognises the importance of working as a member of the theatre team
* Safely maintains anaesthesia and shows awareness of potential complications and their management


  • IO_BS_01 Directs the team to safely transfer the patient and position of patient on the operating table and is aware of the potential hazards including, but not exclusively, nerve injury, pressure points, ophthalmic injuries
  • IO_BS_02 Manages the intra-operative progress of spontaneously breathing and ventilated patients
  • IO_BS_03 Maintains anaesthesia with a face mask in the spontaneously breathing patient
  • IO_BS_04 Uses a nerve stimulator to assess the level of neuromuscular blockade
  • IO_BS_05 Manages the sedated patient for surgery
  • IO_BS_06 Maintains accurate, detailed, legible anaesthetic records and relevant documentation
  • IO_BS_07 Demonstrates role as team player and, when appropriate, leader in the intra-operative environment
  • IO_BS_08 Communicates with the theatre team in a clear unambiguous style
  • IO_BS_09 Respond in a timely and appropriate manner to events that may affect the safety of patients [e.g. hypotension,massive haemorrhage]
  • IO_BS_10 Manages common co-existing medical problems [with appropriate supervision] including but not exclusively:
    • * Diabetes
    • * Hypertension
    • * Ischaemic Heart Disease
    • * Asthma and COPD
    • * Patients on steroids