Critical Incidents

Critical Incidents – Core Learning Outcomes

* To gain knowledge of the principle causes, detection and management of critical incidents that can occur in theatre
* To be able to recognise critical incidents early and manage them with appropriate supervision
* To learn how to follow through a critical incident with reporting, presentation at audit meetings, and discussions with patients
* To recognise the importance of personal non-technical skills and the use of simulation in reducing the potential harm caused by critical incidents


  • CI_BK_01 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Cardiac and/or respiratory arrest
  • CI_BK_02 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Unexpected fall in SpO2with or without cyanosis
  • CI_BK_03 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Unexpected increase in peak airway pressure
  • CI_BK_04 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Progressive fall in minute volume during spontaneous respiration or IPPV
  • CI_BK_05 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Fall in end tidal CO2
  • CI_BK_06 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Rise in end tidal CO2
  • CI_BK_07 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Rise in inspired CO2
  • CI_BK_08 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Unexpected hypotension
  • CI_BK_09 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Unexpected hypertension
  • CI_BK_10 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Sinus tachycardia
  • CI_BK_11 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Arrhythmias:
    • * ST segment changes
    • * Sudden tachyarrythmias
    • * Sudden bradycardia
    • * Ventricular ectopics
    • * Broad complex tachycardia
    • * Ventricular Fibrillation
    • * Atrial fibrillation
    • * Pulseless electrical activity [PEA]
  • CI_BK_12 Recall/describes the causes, detection and management of Convulsions
  • CI_BK_13 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Difficult/failed mask ventilation
  • CI_BK_14 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Failed intubation
  • CI_BK_15 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Can’t intubate, can’t ventilate
  • CI_BK_16 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Regurgitation/Aspiration of stomach contents
  • CI_BK_17 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Laryngospasm
  • CI_BK_18 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Difficulty with IPPV, sudden or progressive loss of minute volume
  • CI_BK_19 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Bronchospasm
  • CI_BK_20 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax
  • CI_BK_21 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Gas / Fat/ Pulmonary embolus
  • CI_BK_22 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Adverse drug reactions
  • CI_BK_23 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Anaphylaxis
  • CI_BK_24 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Transfusion reactions, transfusion of mis-matched blood or blood products
  • CI_BK_25 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Inadvertent intra-arterial injection of irritant fluids
  • CI_BK_26 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: High spinal block
  • CI_BK_27 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Local anaesthetic toxicity
  • CI_BK_28 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Accidental decannulation of tracheostomy or tracheal tube
  • CI_BK_29 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Coning due to increased intracranial pressure
  • CI_BK_30 Recalls/describes the causes, detection and management of the following specific condition: Malignant hyperpyrexia
  • CI_BK_31 Discusses the importance of understanding the need for the following attitude / behaviour: Awareness of human factors concepts and terminology and the importance of non-technical skills in achieving consistently high performance such as: effective communication, team-working, leadership, decision-making and maintenance of high situationawareness
  • CI_BK_32 Discusses the importance of understanding the need for the following attitude / behaviour: Awareness of the importance and the process of critical incident reporting
  • CI_BK_33 Discusses the importance of understanding the need for the following attitude / behaviour: Acceptance that it can happen to you; the unexpected can happen to anyoneShow detailsCI_BK_34Discusses the importance of understanding the need for the following attitude / behaviour: To practice response protocols in resuscitation room or in simulation with other healthcare professionals as appropriate
  • CI_BK_35 Discusses the importance of understanding the need for the following attitude / behaviour: The need to follow through a critical incident with proper reporting, presentation at morbidity meetings and warning flags as necessary, with appropriate supervision
  • CI_BK_36 Discusses the importance of understanding the need for the following attitude / behaviour: The provision of information to the patient and where necessary ensuring they get the appropriate counselling and advice, withappropriate supervision


  • CI_BS_01 Demonstrates good non-technical skills such as: effective communication, team-working, leadership, decision-making and maintenance of high situation awareness
  • CI_BS_02 Demonstrates the ability to recognise early a deteriorating situation by careful monitoring
  • CI_BS_03 Demonstrates the ability to respond appropriately to each incident listed above
  • CI_BS_04 Shows how to initiate management of each incident listed above
  • CI_BS_05 Demonstrates ability to recognise when a crisis is occurring
  • CI_BS_06 Demonstrates how to obtain the attention of others and obtain appropriate help when a crisis is occurring