Conduct epidural analgesia for labour (sama og í Core competency)
Conduct regional anaesthesia for caesarean section (sama og í Core competency)
Conduct general anaesthesia for caesarean section (sama og í Core competency)
Top up epidural for labour analgesia (sama og í CC)
Top up epidural for caesarean section (sama og í CC)
Perform spinal anaesthesia (sama og í CC)
Discuss how the changes in the anatomy and physiology due to pregnancy influenced the conduct of anaesthesia
Discuss whether pregnancy influenced the choice of drugs used during anaesthesia
Discuss how the conduct of general anaesthesia is affected by late pregnancy
Examine the case records of a patient that the trainee has anaesthetised for operative delivery in a situation where major haemorrhage might be expected. Discuss the factors that influence the likelihood of major obstetric haemorrhage, the precautions that should be taken to deal with it and the principles of its management
Examine the case records of a patient with pregnancy associated hypertension that the trainee has treated. Discuss how this influences anaesthetic management
Examine the case records of a patient for whom the trainee provided extradural analgesia for normal labour. Discuss the methods of pain relief available for normal delivery