
Non-theatre – Core Learning Outcomes

* To safely undertake the intra-hospital transfer of the stable critically ill adult patient for diagnostic imaging
* To understand the risks for the patient of having procedures in these sites
* To understand the responsibilities as a user/prescriber of diagnostic imaging services

Core clinical learning outcomes:

* Can maintain anaesthesia for stable critically ill adult patients requiring diagnostic imaging under distant supervision [in conjunction with their transfer as indentified in Transfer Medicine]


  • DI_BK_01 Explains risks and benefits to patients, and risks to staff from common radiological investigations and procedures, including the use of contrast media
  • DI_BK_02 Explains current statutory radiological regulations e.g. IRMER 2000 as applied to the referrer, practitioner or operator of diagnostic services
  • DI_BK_03 Explains the general safety precautions and equipment requirements in specific environments e.g. MRI suites
  • DI_BK_04 Recalls/describes the specific anaesthetic implications of imaging techniques including but not limited to:
    • * MRI scanning
    • * CT scanning
    • * Angiography
  • DI_BK_05 Recalls/explains the implications of exposing the pregnant or potentially pregnant patient to ionising radiation


  • DI_BS_01 Demonstrates the ability to provide safe anaesthesia for a stable adult patient for diagnostic imaging
  • DI_BS_02 Demonstrates the ability to manage a stable ventilated adult patient for diagnostic imaging